Better Relationships Start On Your Blog

Relationships bring visitors to your website regularly—everyone wants more traffic. There are many ways to build relationships with your readers and make them stronger. But like we’ve told you time and time again, relationships, like blogs, take time to build. You need to cultivate them continuously, so here are ways to build relationships and bring more people to your blog.

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5 Steps to Learning Code Easier

Have you ever felt overwhelmed in your code learning process? Perhaps you became frustrated, gave up and turned off the computer? When you are new to the big world of code it is common to feel a little over your head. But have no fear! Here are five practices to help you stay cool, calm and collected during your early coding learning journey.

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4 Tips for Attention Stopping Blog Post Titles

Most people surf by and don't notice a blog article because the title doesn’t stand out. And even though it’s just one line, it’s the most importance sentence in the whole blog! It’s the one that convinces a reader to stop and read. Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time crafting a thoughtful blog post title that makes a reader stop and say “I need to know more!”

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Five Tips to Help You Stay Focused

We’ve all suffered from a bout of procrastination here and there. Somehow, that big project you know you should be working on keeps getting relegated to the bottom of your to-do list. Suddenly, there are far more pressing matters to deal with like cleaning your bathroom, baking a cake or organizing your paperwork from the last seven years. Here are five tips to help you stay on track and avoid falling victim to procrastination.

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Tips on How to Name and Organize Digital Files

Nothing is more frustrating when you can’t find a file on your computer! You go through folders, do name searchers in the finder with no results. From time to time, we’re all busy and sometimes when we’re in a rush we don’t completely think about how important file organizations is. Here’s a few tips outlining how to properly label and organize your digital files.

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