Better Relationships Start On Your Blog
Are you committed to building better relationships with your blog visitors? We’ve got some ideas to take your blogging relationships to the next level.
Photo by Emma Dau on
Relationships are important in every aspect of our lives. So you won’t be surprised if we told you that they’re also important for your blog. Relationships bring visitors to your website regularly—everyone wants more traffic.
There are many ways to build relationships with your readers and make them stronger. But like we’ve told you time and time again, relationships, like blogs, take time to build. You need to cultivate them continuously. Here are a few ways to build relationships and bring more people to your blog:
Who is your ideal reader?
This is the person you should think about when you’re writing blog posts. Do you know who you’re trying to reach? Are they married, single, have kids, old, young? What do they spend their time and money on? Do they work in the same industry as you or are they just looking for information? These are the things that makeup who you’re trying to reach.
Write to that ideal reader. When you think about writing a post for the world to see, it can quickly turn you off from ever writing at all. But if you’re thinking about writing a post for one particular reader, it’s a lot less daunting. You can concentrate on the conversation—and don’t be surprised if the words come easier to you when you tackle a post in this manner.
It’s not about you, it’s about them. When you’re writing a post, be sure to use the word “You” throughout. It’s about making it targeted to the person reading it. And use “You” in the post title if you can. Making it all about the reader, instead of yourself, makes it more likely that the visitor will click into the post and read the entire article.
Why would readers want to come to your blog? Instead of thinking about all the awesome stuff you want to share, think about why a visitor to your blog would want to read about your area of expertise. Most people want to know how the information you have will help them—they’re probably not as interested in your mission statement as you think.
What do your blog posts help people do? Your posts could fall into many categories—reviews, how-tos, opinions. But what is it that your readers want? Depending on your market, you may find yourself writing more how-to and tutorial articles. If it’s a consumer-based website, maybe you’re getting more hits on your review pages. Again, who you’re writing to factors into what kinds of posts you’re writing.
Don’t forget to share. You’ve written something amazing, so share it on your social media networks. Your readers will want to know that you’re publishing something new. Be your own cheerleader and get the word about your writing skills out there. And remember to share and comment on other people’s posts as well.
Your readers are your friends. If someone comments, always leave a comment back to them. It doesn’t matter if they are good or bad—if they took the time to comment, you take the time to respond.
How are the relationships you have with your readers? Do you need to make new ones? Need help? Contact us for a Discovery Meeting.