Why You Should Link To Blog Posts

It’s an extra step to take when putting together a blog post or article, but linking to other posts (yours and other bloggers) can really pay off. When you do it right, your blog reaps the rewards. An ongoing strategy, anchoring links within your blog text holds a multitude of benefits if you keep doing it consistently. Let’s go over a few reasons why you should link to blog posts.

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What Are Twitter Lists?

We all make lists to help us get things done. There are grocery list, to-do lists, and even bucket lists. And now, Twitter has jumped on the bandwagon with a list all its own. This list is an awesome way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter or to find new people to follow. If you’re busy (like we all are), Twitter Lists will gather peeps you’re following into groups and give you the skinny on what they are up to.

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5 Ways To Help Your Blog Stand Out In Your Niche

You’ve done your research, checked out all of your competitors to see what they are doing. You can really make a difference and get people to look at things in a different light. But how do you stand out from the crowd? Sure, thousands of people and businesses that blog about your niche start out with the best intentions, but most sink before they even start to swim. You don’t want to be one of them, right? That’s why we’re going to throw you a life preserver

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How To Make Pinterest Work For Your Blog

Pinterest is so pretty and interesting. It’s easy to get stuck on there for hours just looking at all the cuteness, the yumminess, and the craftiness and all the things we covet. This women-centric social media site is a feast for the eyes and it’s helping blogs and businesses worldwide attract new readers and customers with, you guessed it, pretty pictures.

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What Are Hashtags and How Should You Use Them?

You may know it as the number sign or the pound key on your phone. But to the social media savvy, the hashtag # symbol is an easy way to search updates and trends. Yes, the hashtag is everywhere. What started on Twitter is being picked up by other social media platforms (Instagram and Facebook, just to name a few). But if you’re a new to hashtags or you don’t know what to make of all of them, we’d like to give you a crash course as to what they can do for you.

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How To Make Boring Content Interesting

Sometimes, the most useful content can also be the most boring. Like the practical and maybe a bit boring. But you need this information, and more importantly, so do your readers. You know you need to get this info to your readers, but you don’t want them to tune out or leave your blog entirely. What’s a blogger to do? Don’t worry—there’s hope for the boring content.

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Our Top 5 Social Media Pet Peeves

Sometimes, the most useful content can also be the most boring. Like the practical and maybe a bit boring. But you need this information, and more importantly, so do your readers. You know you need to get this info to your readers, but you don’t want them to tune out or leave your blog entirely. What’s a blogger to do? Don’t worry—there’s hope for the boring content.

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