Hot Spots for Design Inspiration
Feeling design challenged? Check out this list of designer hot spots for creative inspiration.
Photo by Diego PH on
Sometimes you just need help getting your creative juices flowing—don’t worry—got you covered. Here’s a few hot spots for design inspiration.
Pinterest is awesome?!! Yes! It sure is! Pinned full of inspirational ideas for all areas of design – web design, logo design, illustration, business cards, packaging, photography, fashion and interior decorating. Definitely a hotspot for sparking design inspiration when it’s needed most.
Behance is an online showcase helping you discover work from creative professionals across the world, in all design industries including branding, photography, illustration, graphic design and web design. It’s a great place to help push ideas for your creative tasks.
CSS Remix is an online gallery of the latest websites built with CSS. Another superb source for trends in web design. This site is by far my favourite place to surf when I’m in search of design inspiration.
Pitchfork isn’t your expected inspirational source, but with an open mind and some poking around you’re certain to discover new music to turn on the creative tap. Experience another beauty form and evoke some emotion into your designs with the sound of newly listed artists and track reviews.
The Design Inspiration
The Design Inspiration features only the best logos, illustrations, websites, photography. Full of creative ideas. Search by colour or view all – you pick. Regardless, there’s loads of creativity to preview. It’s a happy place to be for a designer. Check it out!
The Inspiration Grid
The Inspiration Grid is a neat twist on the usual online gallery with the designers’ bio, synopsis, and/or case study. The stories behind the designs bring synergy to all the visual ideas in an atypical approach to an online creative gallery.
Etsy is an online shop focused on giving artisans personal stores to sell their handmade, arts and crafts plus vintage clothing finds. Think of Etsy as an online craft fair, where everything you dreamed of is available to buy by browsing categories and search finds. It’s also a great spot for sources of inspiration in art, photography and graphic design for posters, invites, prints, and illustrations.
The Graphic Exchange
Imagine a place where you can exchange information about graphic design? Well, there is such a place called The Graphic Exchange. Mr-Cup publishes blogs showcasing designs with an abundance of emotion, inspiration and creativity.
Tell us about why you love any or all of these hot spots for design inspiration. Is there a hotspot we missed? Leave your pick in the comments below!