Google Search Operators

So you’ve just performed a Google Search and now you’ve got 40,000 pages of stuff to sort through. Great. Fan-freakin-tastic. And it looks like the first 10 pages have nothing to do with what you were looking for. Do you know what can help? Google Search Operators—it’s time to get specific and become a smooth operator!

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Iconic Identities: Expo ‘67

The International and Universal Exposition was the general exhibition (also known as the world’s fair), held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1967. At the time, Canada’s population was only 20 million but more than 50 million visitors who attended Expo 67 set a record for World Fair attendance that still stands.

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Things We Shouldn’t Do On Facebook & Twitter

You love keeping your people in the loop about what’s going on in your life, like what you had for breakfast this morning. Maybe the last time you visited the doctor, or how much you love your cat. And all those things are great… when you’re logged into your personal Facebook and Twitter accounts. But when it comes to your business social media accounts, these aren’t the kinds of things you want your customers to know about. Let's talk about it.

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Iconic Identities: Canada Post

Canada Post identity is one of most recognized symbols across the Canadian Landscape. It’s found on every other corner of our town and city streets, marked on a big red mail boxes and postal outlets. There’s over 7500 rural and suburban delivery routes served approximately 4.8 million addresses, with 6200 postal outlets and most of them are in rural areas.

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The Joys of Article Sharing

You were taught to share—your toys, your snacks, your video games, the playground swing. Sure, you may not have wanted to at the time, but in the long run, there was a valuable lesson to be learned—one that’s going to serve you well right now. We’re talking about the joys of article sharing—an awesome way to bring visitors to your website.

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How to Create Really Great Online Experiences for your Customers

Sometimes we can get lost in all the wheeling and dealing required to run a successful business. It’s easy to forget about how our customers interact and enjoy the online experiences we create for them. Do you make them feel appreciated? Wanted? Needed? Loved? Good? If you’re not, chances are they’re sneaking around with a competitor behind your back! Not to worry—we’ve got some tips to win them back with a really great online experience.

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Social Media Marketing: B2B vs B2C

It’s time to put together your social media marketing and content strategy plan. But wait! Who are you going after businesses or consumers? There are similarities and differences for each market, and you’re going to need to know what they are before you put together your plan for success.

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New Consumption Methods: Reading, Watching, Listening

When we talk about consumption methods, we’re referring to the way people get the information they need. This is done through reading, watching and listening – this is how we stay up to date, keep entertained and plugged in to what is important to us. Let’s delve in the future of how we consume information on the web, so you know what to expect in the months to come.

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