Iconic Identities: Canada Post
Canada Post identity is one of most recognized symbols across the Canadian Landscape
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash
We all know the Canada Post logo. It’s found on every other corner of our town and city streets, marked on a big red mail boxes and postal outlets. There’s over 7500 rural and suburban delivery routes served approximately 4.8 million addresses, with 6200 postal outlets and most of them are in rural areas.
Statistics sourced from Canada Post 2017 Annual Report. See it here.
Canada Post has incorporated guidelines on how to use their brand. Here’s what they have to say, “The Canada Post brand is a powerful asset that brings people together through the seamless exchange of ideas and goods. The brand represented visually by the Canada post logo, which is a recognized symbol within the Canadian marketplace. The significance of the Canada Post logo means that its use must be carefully managed and protected.”
Who Designed the Canada Post Logo
The Canada post logo was designed by Paul Arthur & Associates in 1987 and is quite possibly the most famous and recognized logo in the nation. Why is it so famous? Because it’s replicated in so many spots! It’s a symbol that has become a part of our daily lives.
Paul Authur was one of the most important Canadian designers without formal training in design. He started out in the industry, graduating from The University of Toronto with an English Literature degree and landed an Assistant Editor position at Graphis where he became an important link between the Canadian design community and the modernist design of Europe. With a background in print, typesetting, illustration and typeface design, he became an integral member of the design industry, involved in professional societies, such as the Society of Typographic Designers of Canada, and the older Club of Printing House Craftsmen. He worked in many disciplines, including wayfinding and signage.
Canada Post Logo, The Iconic Identity
The Canada Post Logo Elements
The Canada Post logo display’s motion in mail, illustrating the transportation mail in the form of airmail, surrounded by a red circle, encased in a blue box. Canada Post is written English as well as French, supporting our bilingual country.
So there we have it, another showcasing of a Canadian iconic logo identity. What would we do without the Canada Post brand? We’d never recognize where to take our mail, eh?
Tell us about some of your favourite iconic identity. Or share us what you think about the Canada Post identity? Leave us a message on Twitter or Instagram.